Official Distributor: Hengli Hartmann

Magnetic switch iKX177 iKX177L125G L=10м

On order
209350 Magnet swit ch
iKA177L125 L=10 M
individual weigh t: 1,00
kg total w eight: 2,00 kg
cus toms tariff no.: 8
5365080 X Type of
Protection: ATEX I M2
EEx ia I

You can order Magnetic switch iKX177 iKX177L125G L=10м in the following countries with delivery from the UAE:

  • Egypt
  • Bahrain
  • Iraq
  • Qatar
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Oman
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Turkey

Other countries: pick up from our warehouse in Dubai, UAE.

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