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Linear drives

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A linear drive, otherwise called a linear actuator, is a set of devices with the help of which the rotational movement of a motor is transformed into linear movement of a pushing or translational type. They include: engine, transmission, control system. Such devices are suitable for areas that require lifting, pushing, pulling or lifting objects.

Application areas of linear actuators

These devices are used to solve a wide range of problems:

  • in hospitals and medical centers — for tilting medical beds, guiding exoskeletons;
  • in agriculture — for controlling vents and air dampers in greenhouses, agricultural tools;
  • in construction and industry — to ensure the operation of equipment for various purposes.

Recommendations for choosing linear drives

Based on the principle of operation, these devices are divided into electric, pneumatic and hydraulic. When choosing a suitable drive, take into account the features of each type:

  • Electrical. Such drives are relevant for use in areas where positioning accuracy, quick integration into the system, and low noise during operation are important.
  • Pneumatic. Devices powered by compressed air energy can be used in difficult operating conditions — at extreme temperatures (from -40 to +120°C), high explosion and fire hazards.
  • Hydraulic. Such drives are suitable for solving technical problems that require significant forces.

When purchasing actuators, in addition to the operating principle of the device, take into account:

  • technical characteristics — maximum pushing/pulling forces, working stroke, moving speed;
  • operating conditions, required degree of protection;
  • price, brand.

Advantages of cooperation with STEMAG GROUP

At STEMAG GROUP you can order and buy a linear drive at a reasonable price.

The company provides:

  • the opportunity to buy high-quality linear actuators from reliable, trusted manufacturers;
  • qualified consultations on all issues — technical and financial;
  • compliance with contractual order terms.
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